Isabelle Pattteeuw

Isabelle Patteeuw professional

Isabelle's passion for growth is contagious!

With more than 20 years of experience in business, Isabelle Patteeuw has acquired expertise in leadership, coaching, and change management. Her background includes various leadership positions in supply chain and HR. She is active as a coach and trainer within various organisations (Danone, Alpro, N-Side, CTG, P&V, Proximus Ada, K+N, Infrabel, ...).

Her positive attitude, result-orientation & can-do spirit inspire self-leadership in others. Her development never stands still, which makes her a valuable partner in someone's growth process as a coach & trainer.

Isabelle Patteeuw is a commercial engineer, Professional Certified Coach (PCC) in individual and team projects, Stress & Burn-out coach, accredited Insights Practitioner, certified Enneagram Practitioner and EQi2.0 Emotional Intelligence

More about Isabelle Patteeuw

Born and raised in West Flanders, Isabelle has her roots in East Flanders and lives with her family in Flemish Brabant. She is a mother of three sons, and football features prominently on the weekend agenda. She enjoys reading, nature, and practising ceramics in her free time.

Her heart lies in guiding personal growth. She mainly focuses on developing self-leadership and self-acceptance and enabling people to realise their full potential, resulting in maximum performance and high-performing organisations.

Isabelle Pattteeuw

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